What's up, my dedicated pups? Looks like this is my first time on Newgrounds!
My name is Danuki Dalmatian Troopa, and I'm a fan-contributor and supporter to a obscure 2019 Disney animated series "101 Dalmatian Street"!
I work day and night with the fans of the 101DS community to build the show's popularity by making fan-content, hosting fan events, and of course running a multi-campaign to make the show popular again on the Internet and the Disney+ streaming service, and make the second season a reality.
I also run a collaborative studio on my YouTube channel called "Danuki's Dalmatian Studio" for talented artists who want to see their 101DS fan-work be featured on there. Lately, I've been building a number of accounts to expand my outreach to more newcomers who have never heard about the show before, and I hope to build a huge campaign effort with the help of longtime 101 Dalmatians fans, and 101 Dalmatian Street fans alike through the use of teamwork and creative effort!
Follow me on my YouTube channel to see my fresh fan-animated content in the meantime, as well as my other accounts (You can find the links on my Newgrounds profile for faster access)! I'm looking for my time to interact with the lovely people on newgrounds and share my work with you!😁